GACAA Sponsor Donations
The Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents is the professional organization for county agents and specialists working in agriculture. It is dedicated to the professional improvement of its members. This year, as president-elect, I have the responsibility of fund raising and planning our Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. Our annual meeting will be held at the Crown Plaza North Augusta on November 13-15, 2023.
Our annual meeting is a vital part of the professional improvement opportunities that we have yearly. It is a time for us to share our research and educational ideas with each other. We also use this time to recognize County Agents and Extension Professionals for their accomplishments and contributions to support Georgia Agriculture. The AM/PIC helps us be better agents and equips us to better serve our local clients.
I hope that you will consider donating to the 2023 AM/PIC fund. Please make check payable to GACAA and mail to Guy Hancock, 4602 Research Way, 305 HH Tift Bldg. Tifton, GA 31793-5766
I would also like to invite you or your representative to attend a reception on November 14 at 6:00 pm with our annual banquet following at 7:00 pm. in the ballroom of the conference center. Please RSVP to me by email or phone so that I can be sure that you are recognized for your support.
If you have any questions, please call me at 706-342-2214.
Lucy Ray
President-Elect, GACAA
UGA Extension Coordinator, Morgan County
Days and Programs Attending
Sponsors, please give us the days you will be attending the GACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. Also, select which awards program you will be attending, if any.